Saturday, July 18, 2020

Quality Standards - Leicestershire Example

Quality Standards - Leicestershire Example Quality Standards - Leicestershire â€" Assignment Example > Quality AssuranceCritically assess the validity and benefits of the key quality assurance (QA) systems used by the Fire Rescue Service (FRS) pre government change July 2010 (QA background history). There are many profits or benefits that a specified quality assurance system can have and in this case the main focus is on the benefits that the fire and rescue services has gained and the history behind it before the government changes that took place in the year 2010. Fire services operate under split arrangements of administration in the United Kingdom in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. The operations of fire and rescue services have gone through very many changes that are significant in the 21st century and this has been made possible by different governments from different parts of the world due to the fact that the level of terrorism and other attacks associated with it are increasing on a daily basis (Caldeira, 2001p. 37). Most of the changes that have taken plac e in fire and rescue services were put forward by a professor by the name George Bain. He came up with a report that was associated with services that are provided by firefighters all over the world. He gave a report that deeply talked about how fire and rescue services can be reviewed and improved because he had taken an analysis of the previous services that was being offered by it. Much sense was seen in George Bain’s report by the government of England thus they decided to make some changes in the fire and rescue services, organizations that applied these services and more other fire authorities of Wales, Scotland and England (Funk, 2007 p. 57). HistoryThe legislation of fire and rescue services and far as firefighting is concerned dates back in the year 1865 at the time when the act by Metropolitan fire brigade was put across and this is how the responsibilities of firefighting was taken away from companies of insurance. Another fire brigade act that was passed in earlier y ears was the fire brigades act of 1938 and at that time there were very many fire brigades in the United Kingdom since they were about 1600 all over United Kingdom. During the Second World War there were many fire brigades from the local authority and they were emerged in order to form one national fire Service that was being used during and after the war (Arthur, 2003p. 111). Another Fire services act was put across in the year 1947 which restored the previous local authorities. Between the years 1974-1975 the number of fire brigades reduced subsequently in the United Kingdom. The fire brigade started its operations very many years ago and it has maintained it very well and made it very effective. The legislative frameworkThe United Kingdom has been changing the legislation that controls the fire and rescue services and it has been doing this through implementing the latest fire and safety legislation. The local authorities have adhered to new legislations and worked under their powers even though it has been changing for over 6o years down the line under different acts of parliament but the changes are still taking place. The Fire Brigades Act of 1938 which has seized to exist made it mandatory for local authorities to come up with fire services that are effective in and these brigades were centrally coordinated (papers, 2006 p. 51).

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