Friday, February 14, 2020

Giving Birth Control to Teenagers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Giving Birth Control to Teenagers - Essay Example This essay considers questions of teenage birth control and argues that it is in the best interest of the country to permit teenager’s access to it. One of the primary arguments against providing birth control to teenagers is that it encourages them to engage in sexual relations. When one considers this argument, it’s demonstrated to be completely erroneous. The human sexual drive is one of the primary instinctual motivations and as such teenagers will continue to experiment with sex whether effective contraception is made available or not. Indeed, teenage pregnancy rates are on the rise (Dawn). In these regards, it’s clear that policymakers must make a shift in their perspectives from viewing birth control as a harmful element, to one that can actually aid teenagers who are already engaging in sexual practices. The idea that birth control contributes to teenage sex is in large part derived from a naive notion of teenage sexual norms. Policymakers are assuming th at in the process of educating teenagers of their birth control options, the teenagers will suddenly become sexually aware and decide to engage in sexual practices. In reality teenagers are not this naive. In prohibiting birth control then policy makers are essentially increasing the chances of teenage pregnancy, as teenagers will increasingly resort to riskier methods of intercourse.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Judicial Review- public law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Judicial Review- public law - Essay Example In the Prolife case the appellate court considered the extent to which a broadcaster could curtail a PEB or Party Election Broadcast. In that particular case the BBC had conceded that it was a public authority, in a narrow sense for the specific purpose of the appeal in the House of Lords. However, it did not accept this classification in a wider context (R (ProLife Alliance) v BBC , 2004 ). The House of Lords, in their judicial review of this contention, held that the BBC had been justified in refusing to broadcast the election manifesto of an anti – abortion party, deeming its manner of presentation to be in bad taste. This decision accorded greater deference to the BBC than to a court, which was subordinate to it (Tugendhat & Christie, 2006). This issue of deference invited a significant amount of disagreement after the enactment of the Human Rights Act. Some authorities have contended that the judiciary should take cognizance of the following, while deferring to the other branches of the government. The degree to which political, economic or social issues are involved; the degree to which courts have the necessary proficiency in the matter under consideration; the nature of the rights and the extent to which these rights are afforded protection by the constitution. The manner, in which the judiciary has set about deference under the Human Rights Act, indicates the extant legal traditions. In addition, it elaborates upon the well established administrative law tenets, which state that the judiciary should abstain from supplanting the decision maker’s judgment with its own ruling. The courts are required to apply, the principle of Wednesbury irrationality, which does not require a repetition of the detailed judicial hearing into the facts of the case. Moreover, this situation is exacerbated by the inadequate constitutional law principles (Reported Decisions of